
Win More Landscaping Jobs With Our Best-in-Class Landscape Business Management Software

Sales & Estimating

Create accurate and profitable estimates on-the-go and start winning more business today.

Job Management

Easily schedule and route your crews, manage change orders, generate job logs, and prepare invoices in one place.

Accounting Integration 

Merge customer invoices, customer contacts, and more from QuickBooks Desktop and Online.

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Get into Growth Mode with a Single Landscape Business Management Software

Manage360 takes you from the initial sale, straight through the proposal and job management, all the way to invoicing. Build the foundation of a profitable landscape company by enabling your team to work quickly and efficiently, reducing manpower and streamlining processes. Gain control of your operations and take your landscape business to the next level.

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Sales Cycle Management

Manage each stage of your sales pipeline from estimate to invoice. Use a reliable cost book for accurate estimating to prepare job-winning proposals.

Effective Job Management

Win the job and manage it from start to finish. Schedule and route crews, create purchase orders, manage change orders, and bring in jobs on time.

Save on Billing Time

Get customer invoices out faster with Manage360’s integration to QuickBooks. Streamline your invoicing process with your accounting integration.

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End-to-End Business Management Solution

Manage360 is a comprehensive landscape business management software tool – and the only one you need – to manage all aspects of your landscape company, from the initial quote to the final invoice. We now offer monthly pricing options to fit your company’s needs.

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Landscape Estimating Software

Get accurate bids into your customers’ hands faster with Manage360’s estimating tools. Bidding can be labor-intensive – cut down on time while remaining just as accurate with a prepared cost book for all materials. Pull materials straight from DS|Design for a detailed estimate.

  • Account for overhead with your choice of recovery model.
  • Deliver accurate, job-winning proposals in a fraction of the time.
  • Built-in cost book for materials, kits and labor hours.
Learn More

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The sooner you implement it [Manage360], the more profitable you’re going to be as you grow. I would never go back to a spreadsheet at this point because I can’t trust it enough.

Jarod Hynson

President, Earth, Turf, & Wood